Speeding up fastai Tabular with NumPy


April 22, 2020

Speeding up fastai tabular training by 40%

This blog is also a Jupyter notebook available to run from the top down. There will be code snippets that you can then run in any Jupyter environment. This post was written using:

  • fastai2: 0.0.16
  • fastcore: 0.1.16

What is this article?

In this article, we’re going to dive deep into the fastai DataLoader and how to integrate it in with NumPy. The end result? Speeding up tabular training by 40% (to where almost half the time per epoch is just the time to train the model itself).

What is fastai Tabular? A TL;DR

When working with tabular data, fastai has introduced a powerful tool to help with prerocessing your data: TabularPandas. It’s super helpful and useful as you can have everything in one place, encode and decode all of your tables at once, and the memory usage on top of your Pandas dataframe can be very minimal. Let’s look at an example of it.

First let’s import the tabular module:

from fastai2.tabular.all import *

For our particular tests today, we’ll be using the ADULT_SAMPLE dataset, where we need to identify if a particular individual makes above or below $50,000. Let’s grab the data:

path = untar_data(URLs.ADULT_SAMPLE)

And now we can open it in Pandas:

df = pd.read_csv(path/'adult.csv')

Now that we have our DataFrame, let’s fit it into a TabularPandas object for preprocessing. To do so, we need to decalre the following:

  • procs (pre-processing our data, such as normalization and converting categorical values to numbers)
  • cat_names (categorical variables)
  • cont_names (continuous variables)
  • y_names (our y columns)

For our case, these look like so:

cat_names = ['workclass', 'education', 'marital-status', 'occupation', 'relationship', 'race']
cont_names = ['age', 'fnlwgt', 'education-num']
procs = [Categorify, FillMissing, Normalize]
y_names = 'salary'

We’ll also need to tell TabularPandas how we want to split our data. We’ll use a random 20% subsample:

splits = RandomSplitter()(range_of(df))

Now let’s make a TabularPandas!

to = TabularPandas(df, procs=procs, cat_names=cat_names, cont_names=cont_names,
                   y_names=y_names, splits=splits)

Now all of our data is pre-processed here and we can grab all of the raw values if we wanted to say use it with XGBoost like so:


Andi it’s fully encoded! Now that we’re a bit familiar with TabularPandas, let’s do some speed tests!

The Baseline

For our tests, we’ll run 4 different tests: 1. One batch of the training data 2. Iterating over the entire training dataset 3. Iterating over the entire validation set 4. Fitting for 10 epochs (GPU only)

And for each of these we will compare the times on the CPU and the GPU.


First let’s grab the first batch. The reason this is important is each time we iterate over the training DataLoader, we actually shuffle our data, which can add some time:

dls = to.dataloaders(bs=128, device='cpu')

To test our times, we’ll use %%timeit. It measures the execution time of a Python function for a certain amount of loops, and reports back the fastest one. For iterating over the entire DataLoader we’ll look at the time per batch as well.

First, a batch from training:

_ = next(iter(dls.train))

Now the validation:

_ = next(iter(dls.valid))

Alright, so first we can see that our shuffling function is adding almost 15 milliseconds on our time, something we can improve on! Let’s then go through the entire DataLoader:

for _ in dls.train:

Now let’s get an average time per batch:


About 3.25 milliseconds per batch on the training dataset, let’s look at the validation:

for _ in dls.valid:

And about 3.11 milliseconds per batch on the validation, so we can see that it’s about the same after shuffling. Now let’s compare some GPU times:


dls = to.dataloaders(bs=128, device='cuda')
_ = next(iter(dls.train))
_ = next(iter(dls.valid))

So first, grabbing just one batch we can see it added about a half a millisecond on the training and .2 milliseconds on the validation, so we’re not utilizing the GPU for this process much (which makes sense, TabularPandas is CPU bound). And now let’s iterate:

for _ in dls.train:
for _ in dls.valid:

And here we can see a little bit more being added here as well. Now that we have those baselines, let’s fit for ten epochs real quick:

learn = tabular_learner(dls, layers=[200,100], metrics=accuracy)
learn.fit(10, 1e-2)

After fitting, we got about 22.9 seconds in total and ~2.29 seconds per epoch! Now that we have our baselines, let’s try to speed that up!

Bringing in NumPy

The Dataset

With speeding everything up, I wanted to keep TabularPandas as it is, as it’s a great way to pre-process your data! So instead we’ll create a new Dataset class where we will convert our TabularPandas object into a NumPy array. Why is that important? NumPy is a super-fast library that has been hyper-optimized by using as much C code as it possibly can which is leagues faster than Python. Let’s build our Dataset!

We’ll want it to maintain the cats, conts, and ys from our TabularPandas object seperate. We can call to_numpy() on all of them because they are simply stored as a DataFrame! Finally, to deal with categorical versus continuous variables, we’ll assign our cats as np.long and our conts as np.float32 (we also have our ys as np.int8, but this is because we’re doing classification):

class TabDataset():
    "A `NumPy` dataset from a `TabularPandas` object"
    def __init__(self, to):
        self.cats = to.cats.to_numpy().astype(np.long)
        self.conts = to.conts.to_numpy().astype(np.float32)
        self.ys = to.ys.to_numpy()

Great! Now we need a few more bits for everything to work! For our Dataset to function, we need to be able to gather the values from it each time we call from it. We use the __getitem__ function to do so! For our particular problem, we need it to return some cats, conts, and our ys. And to save on more time we’ll return a whole batch of values:

class TabDataset():
    "A `NumPy` dataset from a `TabularPandas` object"
    def __init__(self, to):
        self.cats = to.cats.to_numpy().astype(np.long)
        self.conts = to.conts.to_numpy().astype(np.float32)
        self.ys = to.ys.to_numpy()

    def __getitem__(self, idx):
        idx = idx[0]
        return self.cats[idx:idx+self.bs], self.conts[idx:idx+self.bs], self.ys[idx:idx+self.bs]

You’ll notice we don’t explicitly pass in a batch size, so where is that coming from? This is added when we build our DataLoader, as we’ll see later. Let’s finish up our Dataset class by adding in an option to get the length of the dataset (we’ll do the length of our categorical table in this case).

class TabDataset():
    "A `NumPy` dataset from a `TabularPandas` object"
    def __init__(self, to):
        self.cats = to.cats.to_numpy().astype(np.long)
        self.conts = to.conts.to_numpy().astype(np.float32)
        self.ys = to.ys.to_numpy()

    def __getitem__(self, idx):
        idx = idx[0]
        return self.cats[idx:idx+self.bs], self.conts[idx:idx+self.bs], self.ys[idx:idx+self.bs]

    def __len__(self): return len(self.cats)

And now we can make some Datasets!

train_ds = TabDataset(to.train)
valid_ds = TabDataset(to.valid)

We can look at some data real quick if we want to as well! First we need to assign a batch size:

train_ds.bs = 3

And now let’s look at some data:


We can see that we output what could be considered a batch of data! The only thing missing is to make it into a tensor! Fantastic! Now let’s build the DataLoader, as there’s some pieces in it that we need, so simply having this Dataset won’t be enough

The DataLoader

Now to build our DataLoader, we’re going to want to modify 4 particular functions:

  1. create_item
  2. create_batch
  3. get_idxs
  4. shuffle_ds

Each of these play a particular role. First let’s look at our template:

class TabDataLoader(DataLoader):
    def __init__(self, dataset, bs=1, num_workers=0, device='cuda', shuffle=False, **kwargs):
        "A `DataLoader` based on a `TabDataset`"
        super().__init__(dataset, bs=bs, num_workers=num_workers, shuffle=shuffle, 
                         device=device, drop_last=shuffle, **kwargs)

As you can see, our __init__ will build a DataLoader, and we keep track of our Dataset and set the Datasets batch size here as well

dl = TabDataLoader(train_ds, bs=3)

And we can see that we grab everything as normal in the Dataset! Great! Now let’s work on create_item and create_batch. create_item is very simple as we already do so when we make our call to the dataset, so we just pass it on. create_batch is also very simplistic. We’ll take some index’s from our Dataset and convert them all to Tensors!

class TabDataLoader(DataLoader):
    def __init__(self, dataset, bs=1, num_workers=0, device='cuda', shuffle=False, **kwargs):
        "A `DataLoader` based on a `TabDataset`"
        super().__init__(dataset, bs=bs, num_workers=num_workers, shuffle=shuffle, 
                         device=device, drop_last=shuffle, **kwargs)
    def create_item(self, s): return s

    def create_batch(self, b):
        cat, cont, y = self.dataset[b]
        return tensor(cat).to(self.device), tensor(cont).to(self.device), tensor(y).to(self.device)

Now we’re almost done. The last two pieces missing is get_idxs and shuffle_fn. These are needed as after each epoch we actually shuffle the dataset and we need to get a list of index’s for our DataLoader to use! To save on time (as we’re using array indexing), we can shuffle the interior dataset instead! A major benefit is slicing (consecutive idxs) instead of indexing (non-consecutive idxs). Let’s look at what that looks like:

class TabDataLoader(DataLoader):
    def __init__(self, dataset, bs=1, num_workers=0, device='cuda', shuffle=False, **kwargs):
        "A `DataLoader` based on a `TabDataset`"
        super().__init__(dataset, bs=bs, num_workers=num_workers, shuffle=shuffle, 
                         device=device, drop_last=shuffle, **kwargs)
    def create_item(self, s): return s

    def create_batch(self, b):
        "Create a batch of data"
        cat, cont, y = self.dataset[b]
        return tensor(cat).to(self.device), tensor(cont).to(self.device), tensor(y).to(self.device)

    def get_idxs(self):
        "Get index's to select"
        idxs = Inf.count if self.indexed else Inf.nones
        if self.n is not None: idxs = list(range(len(self.dataset)))
        return idxs

    def shuffle_fn(self):
        "Shuffle the interior dataset"
        rng = np.random.permutation(len(self.dataset))
        self.dataset.cats = self.dataset.cats[rng]
        self.dataset.conts = self.dataset.conts[rng]
        self.dataset.ys = self.dataset.ys[rng]

And now we have all the pieces we need to build a DataLoader with NumPy! We’ll examine it’s speed now and then we’ll build some convience functions later. First let’s build the Datasets:

train_ds = TabDataset(to.train)
valid_ds = TabDataset(to.valid)

And then the DataLoader:

train_dl = TabDataLoader(train_ds, device='cpu', shuffle=True, bs=128)
valid_dl = TabDataLoader(valid_ds, device='cpu', bs=128)

And now let’s grab some CPU timings similar to what we did before:

_ = next(iter(train_dl))
_ = next(iter(valid_dl))

Right away we can see that we are leagues faster than the previous version. Shuffling only added ~370 microseconds, which means we used 4% of the time! Now let’s iterate over the entire DataLoader:

for _ in train_dl:
for _ in valid_dl:

And as we can see, each individual batch of data is about 0.158 milliseconds! Yet again, about 6% of time time, quite a decrease! So we have sucessfully decreased the time! Let’s look at the GPU now:

train_dl = TabDataLoader(train_ds, device='cuda', shuffle=True, bs=128)
valid_dl = TabDataLoader(valid_ds, device='cuda', bs=128)
_ = next(iter(train_dl))
_ = next(iter(valid_dl))
for _ in train_dl:
for _ in valid_dl:

Which as we can see, it adds a little bit of time from converting the tensors over to cuda. You could save a little bit more by converting first, but as this should be seperate from the dataset I decided to just keep it here. Now that we have all the steps, finally we can take a look at training! First let’s build a quick helper function to make DataLoaders similar to what fastai’s tabular_learner would be expecting:

class TabDataLoaders(DataLoaders):
    def __init__(self, to, bs=64, val_bs=None, shuffle_train=True, device='cpu', **kwargs):
        train_ds = TabDataset(to.train)
        valid_ds = TabDataset(to.valid)
        val_bs = bs if val_bs is None else val_bs
        train = TabDataLoader(train_ds, bs=bs, shuffle=shuffle_train, device=device, **kwargs)
        valid = TabDataLoader(valid_ds, bs=val_bs, shuffle=False, device=device, **kwargs)
        super().__init__(train, valid, device=device, **kwargs)
dls = TabDataLoaders(to, bs=128, device='cuda')

And now we can build our model and train! We need to build our own TabularModel here, so we’ll need to grab the size of our embeddings and build a Learner. For simplicity we’ll still use TabularPandas to get those sizes:

emb_szs = get_emb_sz(to)
net = TabularModel(emb_szs, n_cont=3, out_sz=2, layers=[200,100]).cuda()
learn = Learner(dls, net, metrics=accuracy, loss_func=CrossEntropyLossFlat())

And now let’s train!

learn.fit(10, 1e-2)

As you can see, we cut the speed down 60%! So we saw a tremendous speed up! Let’s quickly revisit all of the times and results in a pretty table.


CPU? First Batch Per Batch Per Epoch Ten Epochs
fastai2 Yes 18.3ms (train) 3.37ms (valid) 3.25ms (train) 3.11ms (valid)
No 18.8ms (train) 3.49ms (valid) 3.41ms (train) 3.19ms (valid) 2.29s 22.9s
NumPy Yes 0.669ms (train) 0.3ms (valid 0.15ms (train) 0.15ms (valid)
No 0.835ms (train) 0.451ms (valid) 0.25ms (train) 0.25ms (valid) 1.38s 13.8s

So in summary, we first sped up the time to grab a single batch of data by converting everything from Pandas to NumPy. Afterwards we made a custom DataLoader that could handle these NumPy arrays and induce the speedup we saw! I hope this article helps you better understand how the interior DataLoader can be integrated in with NumPy, and that it helps you speed up your tabular training!

  • Small note: show_batch() etc will not work with this particular code base, this is simply a proof of concept