Zero to Hero with fastai - Intermediate


August 21, 2020

A general overview of the major differences between the old fastai and the new

Zero to Hero

The “Zero to Hero” series is a series of three articles geared towards getting anyone familair with the fastai library based upon their skill sets. The previous article is aimed towards those who have barely heard of “Deep Learning” and have zero experience with frameworks. This article article comes from a perspective of those who utilized the original fastai library in the past and understand the broad strokes of the library. Finally, the last article will briefly explain the advanced artifacts inside of fastai and how they all function. > Note: These articles also presume you have read the previous to avoid redundancy, please read it before continuing so some context can be gathered here

Who am I

My name is Zach Mueller, I’ve extensively been involved and using fastai (and the newest version) for the better part of two years now. I’ve designed my own course geared around the library from an implementation standpoint without getting too complex. At the time of writing this I’m still an Undergraduate at the University of West Florida majoring in Computer Science. I’m also heavily involved inside the fastai community, of which I would emplore you to join! My goal is to make fastai more approachable at all levels through examples and help further Jeremy’s dream in the process. My specific interests involve speeding up the framework for deployment, tabular neural networks, and providing overall usage guides to help further the community

What will we cover in this article?

In the second iteration of “Zero to Hero” we will be going through the major differences between the two API’s. We will look more in detail at the high-level DataBlock API with a 1:1 code example to learn how to adjust your code from the old fastai. Afterwards we will look into the Mid-level API and transforms briefly to see how simple it can be to customize and adapt what you want into the framework through two seperate examples. Finally will then go into customizing test sets to include labelled and non-labelled data.

Installing the library

First let’s install fastai:

!pip install fastai -qqq

What’s new?

Let’s first look at two sets of code for a Tabular task, specifically Adult Sample > Note: Some code cells may have # DO NOT RUN. Do not run these if you choose to open this notebook in Colaboratory as they reference the old codebase and will not work anymore

As per usual, we’ll import the tabular library and use untar_data to grab the dataset:

from fastai.tabular.all import *
path = untar_data(URLs.ADULT_SAMPLE)

Then we will open the DataFrame in pandas:

df = pd.read_csv(path/'adult.csv')

In both versions we still need to define our variables and procs, and the naming for each has not changed:

dep_var = 'salary'
cat_names = ['workclass', 'education', 'marital-status', 'occupation', 'relationship', 'race']
cont_names = ['age', 'fnlwgt', 'education-num']
procs = [FillMissing, Categorify, Normalize]

However what did change was the API. Before our code would have looked like so:

data = (TabularList.from_df(df, path=path, cat_names=cat_names, cont_names=cont_names, procs=procs)

Where we specify our API to have a TabularList, then split that list, label the list, and finally DataBunch it. This is gone, or at least simplified in the new version. Instead we have TabularPandas, a complete rework of the tabular API, which is different from the normal API. First we have special Splitter classes that we can call and use depending on our task. Since we are splitting by a list of indicies, it would make sense to utilize the IndexSplitter class. To utilize it we’ll instantate the class with our list of indicies to split by, and then split our dataset via it’s indicies. To explore more of these splitters, see the documentation.

splits = IndexSplitter(list(range(800,1000)))(range_of(df)); splits

Then we can pass everything to TabularPandas:

to = TabularPandas(df, procs=procs, cat_names=cat_names, cont_names=cont_names,
                   y_names='salary', splits=splits)

Something very unique and nice about TabularPandas is we can actually use it in more than just fastai! To see how we can utilize it with Random Forests and XGBoost, see my course notebook where this is discussed

And now we can build our DataLoaders:

dls = to.dataloaders(bs=512)

From here, the API remains the same. We have a tabular_learner and we can fit, fit_one_cycle, etc. One minor change is now to find the learning rate, it’s just lr_find:

learn = tabular_learner(dls, layers=[200,100], metrics=accuracy)

Where it will also return the two suggested learning rates seen at the top of the graph.

A Text Example

The next major upgrade is the Text API. This is a true example of the High-Level DataBlock API discussed in the previous article. It follows the same overall pattern we saw in TabularPandas, just a bit more split-up. Let’s take this example from my slides:


We’ll run through this example step by step with a text example with IMDB_SAMPLE. Let’s load the library and grab our data:

from fastai.text.all import *
path_imdb = untar_data(URLs.IMDB_SAMPLE)
df_imdb = pd.read_csv(path_imdb/'texts.csv')

In the first version of fastai, to build our language model DataLoader it would look something like below:

data = (TextList.from_csv(path, 'texts.csv', cols='text')

Now let’s convert this to the new API following our pipeline description above

  1. Define your input and output blocks:

Here we have text as an input, so we simply say we have a TextBlock.from_df as have a DataFrame > Note: text is a bit different in this regard as things get tokenized when generating the Dataset. As a result, we have .from_df and .from_folder, specifying where the data comes from:

blocks = TextBlock.from_df(text_cols='text', res_col_name='text', is_lm=True)

Now an important distinction here is when tokenized, we will get rid of text_cols in our DataFrame and it will be replaced with res_col_name. This is text by default. Finally we want to specify that it is a language model by passing is_lm=True.

  1. Define our getters

Now we need to tell fastai how to grab the data. Our text will be stored in a column named text, so we will use a ColReader to grab it:

get_x = ColReader('text')
  1. Split the Data

We’ll use another splitter like we did for tabular, this time using RandomSplitter. When calling our DataBlock we won’t need to pass in the direct indicies, fastai will do this for us, so we can define it as below:

splitter = RandomSplitter(valid_pct=0.2, seed=42)
  1. Label the Data

We have already done this by specifying is_lm to True back when we defined our blocks. When we examine a non-language model classification example next you will be able to understand the difference

  1. Build the DataLoaders

Now let’s build our DataBlock by passing in what we have:

dblock = DataBlock(blocks=blocks,

And we can build our DataLoaders:

dls = dblock.dataloaders(df_imdb, bs=8)

Let’s look at an example batch:


Now if we wanted to train, the API still looks the same, where we call language_model_learner and pass in our data. We won’t train in this example though as that can take a bit with language models:

lm_learn = language_model_learner(dls, arch=AWD_LSTM, metrics=accuracy)

Now let’s move onto a text classification example. This only requires two major changes to what we had before in our DataBlock: the addition of another block and a get_y to tell fastai where our label is:

blocks = (TextBlock.from_df(text_cols='text', res_col_name='text', is_lm=False), CategoryBlock())

We set is_lm to False (the default) and added a CategoryBlock telling fastai we will be dealing with a classification problem. Next we need a get_y to say where the label is. It’s still in that same DataFrame, so we can use another ColReader:

get_y = ColReader('label')

Finally, we’ll make a new splitter that splits from a column, as our DataFrame has a is_valid option:

splitter = ColSplitter(col='is_valid')

Now let’s remake our DataBlock:

clas_dblock = DataBlock(blocks=blocks,

And make some new DataLoaders:

dls = clas_dblock.dataloaders(df_imdb, bs=8)

And that’s it for the text example! Now you’ve seen the basic building blocks and how it all works. For the final example we’ll walk through the PETS dataset as we did during the previous article, and recreate it with the API


from import *

Let’s first grab our data:

path = untar_data(URLs.PETS)

We’ll define our blocks again. This time, since we have an image problem we’ll use an ImageBlock and re-use CategoryBlock:

blocks = (ImageBlock(cls=PILImage), CategoryBlock())

Note that we can define sub-classes for blocks to use. If we were doing a black and white image problem (such as MNIST), we could define our ImageBlock as ImageBlock(cls=PILImageBW)

Next we want our getters. This is actually just as simple as get_image_files. Why? Let’s look:

imgs = get_image_files(path/'images')

Here we have a list of our images, so this is all we actually need since both our x and y are there.

Next we want to split the data. We did a random 80/20 split in the first article, so we will repeat this here using RandomSplitter:

splitter = RandomSplitter(valid_pct=0.2, seed=42)

Finally we need our labeller, which is a RegexLabeller:

get_y=RegexLabeller(pat = r'/([^/]+)_\d+.*')

Now before we continue we need some item and batch transforms to augment our data:

item_tfms = RandomResizedCrop(460, min_scale=0.75, ratio=(1.,1.))
batch_tfms = [*aug_transforms(size=224, max_warp=0), Normalize.from_stats(*imagenet_stats)]

And finally we can work this into our DataBlock:

dblock = DataBlock(blocks=blocks,

Let’s build our data:

dls = dblock.dataloaders(path/'images', bs=64)

And view some data just to be sure:


We have now seen three major examples of the API from a DataLoader perspective. Along with this article I invite you to read my other articles related to the DataBlock API:

As they cover a few more specifics in regards to the API.

Test Sets

Now finally I mentioned the addition of labelled and non-labelled test sets. Originally back in the old fastai version when you did add_test for a test set and wanted it labelled you had to do a weird workaround. However this is no longer the case. With fastai’s test_dl method we can pass with_labels=True and it will attempt to label our data if it is labelled the same format as it were for training.

Note: tabular problems will always assume with_labels to be True if the y is present in the DataFrame

Now let’s first use the defaults for test_dl on some data:

dl = dls.test_dl(imgs[:10], with_labels=False)

We can look at a batch:


And we can just see blank images! Now if we change this:

dl = dls.test_dl(imgs[:10], with_labels=True)

We have our labels again! This is fantastically nice as you can then just pass this DataLoader into learn.validate by doing learn.validate(dl=dl) and there will be no complaints!

Minor Changes and Closing Thoughts

Finally, let’s cover some minor naming changes.

  • Passing callbacks to our Learner and during any fit are now called cbs rather than callbacks
  • Callbacks have more events in which you are able to adjust and their naming is slightly different
  • Metrics should inherit AccuMetric, but loss functions do not need this

Everything is is a major API change or difference altogether.

Thank you so much for reading, and I implore you to check out the new library! It’s been carefully crafted over the last year and a half (since the previous part 2) and has really turned into something special. These first two articles I wanted out the day of release, so part 3 will take me a few more days. Thanks again for reading and have fun exploring!