Memory Management in PyTorch

How to free memory in PyTorch “fully”


The Problem

Given say a simple PyTorch evaluation loop, how can we remove most of the memory we’ve allocated?


At work today I was dealing with a bug where a user was trying to free all the memory used after transformersTrainer.train() was called, and I was finding that no matter what I tried, it wouldn’t work!

What I wound up discovering is we can’t fully de-allocate everything, but we can deallocate most of it down to a neglible amount.


You can free most everything on CUDA: removing the objects from memory, deallocating things, and such, but the CUDA memory used by CUDA context itself will always remain.

How can I free up the most memory then?

Let’s take a barebones PyTorch inference script:

import torch

class TinyModel(torch.nn.Module):
    def __init__(self):
        super(TinyModel, self).__init__()

        self.linear1 = torch.nn.Linear(100, 200)
        self.activation = torch.nn.ReLU()
        self.linear2 = torch.nn.Linear(200, 10)
        self.softmax = torch.nn.Softmax(dim=0)

    def forward(self, x):
        x = self.linear1(x)
        x = self.activation(x)
        x = self.linear2(x)
        x = self.softmax(x)
        return x
model = TinyModel().cuda()
batch = torch.rand(64,100).cuda()


with torch.inference_mode():
    output = model(batch)

All I’ve simply done is made a model called TinyModel, generated an input, and used inference_mode to generate some outputs. We can find the total memory used and allocated easily enough:

def print_memory():
        f"Memory allocated: {torch.cuda.memory_allocated()/1024**2}\nMemory reserved: {torch.cuda.memory_reserved()/1024**2}"

Doing so will tell us how much memory we have allocated:


Memory allocated: 8.23779296875 Memory reserved: 22.0

Great, so we have assumingly the model, batch, and output now on CUDA, but no computational graphs were saved due to inference_mode. How can we try to free up that memory?

That’s the fun part, we can’t really.

This minimal part shown here is the limit to what we can actually free.

But what about in other cases?

Actually freeing memory

In any other case where you’re finding after you’ve attempted to delete all of the memory some of it still remains, there are some reference management items we can work on releasing as well.

Now the order in which we do this matters, and I’ve provided an annotated script below which can be utilized:

import gc
def release_memory(*objects):
    if not isinstance(objects, list):
        objects = list(objects)
    for i in range(len(objects)):
1        if hasattr(objects[i], "to"):
            objects[i] = objects[i].to("cpu")
2        objects[i] = None
3    gc.collect()
4    torch.cuda.empty_cache()
5    return objects
First check if the object has a to attribute and call to("cpu") to move it off the GPU
Second set each object to None, this will help garbage collection actually collect it
Then actually run the garbage collection which will remove all hanging reference objects
Call torch.cuda.empty_cache() to release all the CUDA memory possible
Finally return back all our objects and override them with None

With this function, if we had extra objects that were CUDA we wanted to release (such as a much bigger model), we can do so:

model, batch, output = release_memory(model, batch, output)

Doing this even for our small memory footprint will actually show less memory allocated, proving that CUDA will just perminantly eat up a few megabytes of memory:


Memory allocated: 8.20849609375 Memory reserved: 22.0