
Quickly builds template notebooks to use



 new_nb (name:str, module:str=None, title:str=None, description:str=None,
         nprefix:int=None, nsuffix:int=None)

Creates a new base nbdev notebook named {nprefix}{nsuffix}_{name}.ipynb

Type Default Details
name str The name of the newly created notebook
module str None The name of the exported module it will generate
title str None The title header in the notebook
description str None The description that will go under the title header
nprefix int None if > 0, will be the first number in the filename
nsuffix int None If > 0, will be the second number in the filename

With new_nb, you can very quickly create base template notebooks inside your nbdev repo that are prepared for writing. It will automatically iterate the filename based on the last digit used, and you can name the modules and exports to your need. Now adding a new nbdev module is as simple as a CLI command, and you don’t have to worry about writing out all the tedious boilerplate to make it all operate.